The Birth Story of Akihiro Hermés
The Birth Story of Akihiro Hermés

Q: Why would you want to have a baby at this age and stage in your life?
Kitt: Well, we are lucky to say that the universe gave us an opportunity to live another chapter of our lives. And we both wanted to have a child/ children. There is nothing more we want as a couple than wanting to have a part of the person you love and see their eyes in your child. We feel we are more prepared at this age. We are more knowledgeable, tolerant and financially sound. We’ve also both reached the peak of our careers and I was willing to take a step back while my husband’s flourish. And with all the information that is available in raising a child better than I had 20 years ago, if my older children are that great, imagine the advantages Hermés has at this point. He is not fuzzy, sleeps through the night and is as routinary and process oriented. All we need to be is consistent and loving parents. As easy and basic as that.
I open my mail today and was just overwhelmed with congratulations and well wishes. Thank you so much for the prayers, the love, and the time everyone took to call, text, message, skype and visit. All your positive vibes made all these possible and is very much appreciated.
Ken and I are grateful and feel truly blessed. Our journey to complete our family has been fulfilled. With a good medical team behind us, well-meaning family and friends who have relentlessly shown their support, we have been in a state of bliss for a while now.
Defying many obstacles, our son was born with a clean bill of health and has shown excellent progress in his cognitive and motor skills. Akihiro Hermés, our son, our a pride and joy.
I cannot ask for more at this point. I’ve allotted this blog to answer most of your questions about our pregnancy and birth. Again, thank you so much for all the well wishes and prayers:
Q:It’s usually difficult having children at 44. And your husband is in his 50’s. Did you take hormones? IVF?
Kitt: Neither. I always thought if you want something in life, God never gives it to you. But instead, he gives you opportunities to achieve what you want. I live a healthy lifestyle, no alcohol, no cigarettes, eat a balanced diet, only one coffee a day. My doctor also gave me prenatal vitamins when we started seeing her in 2015. A month after, we conceived. Unfortunately, we had a miscarriage. But it didn’t stop us.

Q: Why would you want to have a baby at this age and stage in your life?
Kitt: Well, we are lucky to say that the universe gave us an opportunity to live another chapter of our lives. And we both wanted to have a child/ children. There is nothing more we want as a couple than wanting to have a part of the person you love and see their eyes in your child. We feel we are more prepared at this age. We are more knowledgeable, tolerant and financially sound. We’ve also both reached the peak of our careers and I was willing to take a step back while my husband’s flourish. And with all the information that is available in raising a child better than I had 20 years ago, if my older children are that great, imagine the advantages Hermés has at this point. He is not fuzzy, sleeps through the night and is as routinary and process oriented. All we need to be is consistent and loving parents. As easy and basic as that.
Q: You said your son was a rainbow baby, what does that mean?
Kitt: A “rainbow baby” is a baby that is born following a miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or infant loss. In the real world, a beautiful and bright rainbow follows a storm and gives hope of things getting better. The rainbow is more appreciated having just experienced the storm in comparison. It was a tough three years for me moving to St. Louis with a totally different culture and demographics. I was practically pregnant the last three years and I must say… I’ve been physically and emotionally exhausted but we kept going. We were working on our marriage as a new couple and the many disruptions his past posted, as well as people just clawing out of the woodwork, but in the end, love always prevails. It only made us stronger as partners and lovers. Indeed my Rainbow Child gave us more meaning than just that.
Q: What do your older children say or think?
Kitt: My kids are all adults. My youngest being 22. They are excited. After all, who gets the chance to have a baby brother after that long? They are secured of my love and no issues at all. I am a lucky Mama.

Q: Did you really eat your placenta? Why?
Kitt: Yes. But in capsule form already. We advised the hospital beforehand and we had to sign some paper to enable them to release it. The placenta lady picked it up and delivered it before we were released in the hospital. There aren’t many who encapsulate in St. Louis but my OB recommended the placenta lady. She may be contacted at
Why? The placenta is composed of beneficial hormones, chemicals, iron, and proteins. These healing substances include:
Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone: Contributes to mammary gland development in preparation for lactation; stabilizes postpartum mood; regulates post-birth uterine cramping; decreases depression; normalizes and stimulates libido.
Prolactin: Promotes lactation; increases milk supply; enhances the mothering instinct.
Oxytocin: Decreases pain and increases bonding in mother and infant; counteracts the production of stress hormones such as Cortisol; greatly reduces postpartum bleeding; enhances the breastfeeding let-down reflex.
Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor (POEF): Stimulates the production of your body’s natural opioids, including endorphins; reduces pain; increases well-being.
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: Regulates the thyroid gland; boosts energy and supports recovery from stressful events.
Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH): Low levels of CRH are implicated in postpartum depression. Regulation of CRH helps prevent depression.
Cortisone: Reduces inflammation and swelling; promotes healing.
Interferon: Triggers the protective defenses of the immune system to fight infection.
Prostaglandins: Regulates contractions in the uterus after birth; helps uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size. Anti-inflammatory effects.
Iron: Replenishes maternal iron stores to combat anemia, a common postpartum condition. Increases energy; decreases fatigue and depression.
Hemoglobin: Oxygen-carrying molecule which provides a boost in energy.
Urokinase Inhibiting Factor and Factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG): Antibody molecules which support the immune system.
Human Placental Lactogen (hPL): This hormone has lactogenic and growth-promoting properties; promotes mammary gland growth in preparation for lactation in the mother. It also regulates maternal glucose, protein, and fat levels.
Q: With a new baby, a thriving business and your husband’s flourishing career, what’s next?
Kitt: We’ll keep you posted (wink!). You’ll never know what the universe can bring you next. In the meantime, we’re happy to share our son’s birth story. Enjoy!